Friday, August 29, 2008

Feast of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist

Today's Readings:
1 Cor 1:17-25
Ps 33: 1-2. 4-5, 10-11
Mk 6: 17-29

Today we celebrate the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist and in the 1st reading we hear St. Paul reminding the Corinthian community that the foolishness of God is wiser than our wisdom and that the weakness of our God is stronger than our human strength. Yet do we trust this message ourselves? St. John the Baptist gives us a great example to follow in that he continued to proclaim God's love and God's will even though it meant certain death. Today let us place our trust in God and continue to proclaim his Gospel to all we encounter, trusting that Jesus can make himself known to the world through us. After all, our own salvation came through a poor Jewish carpenter being hung on a cross...May God Bless you all and have a great day.

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