Tuesday, March 10, 2009

God's Mercy

Today's Readings:
Is 1:10, 16-20
Ps 50:8-9,16-17, 21, 23
Mt 23:1-12

The Prophet Isaiah tells us of God's promise that though our "sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. If we are willing to obey..." God wipes away all sin when we turn back to him and give ourselves to him, the only thing God does not forgive is our refusal of his mercy and love. During this Lenten Season, let us take note of our sinfulness so that we may turn away from it and turn back to our God who calls us to himself. Let us place ourselves in the loving hands of our creator and pray for the grace to live the life he has called us to. Have a great day and God Bless.
Lord, God of mercy, your love is abundant and always available to us; help us this day to turn from anything that is not of you and to follow you wherever you may call us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint of the Day - St. Simplicius
St. Simplicius became pope in 468. Sometimes it seemed to him that he was all alone in trying to correct evils that were everywhere. Conquerers had taken over vast territories. Even Rome itself was occupied by invaders. The people were hungry and poor. They had been taxed and robbed by former Roman officials. Poverty prowled the streets and removed all joy. The new Conquer- ers at least had not asked for taxes. Pope Simplicius tried in every way to uplift his people and to work for their good. He was always there for them, no matter how small his efforts seemed to him. And because he was holy, he never gave up. More than by words, he taught with the example of his holy life. St. Simplicius had to suffer greatly as pope for another reason as well. Some of his own Christians stubbornly held on to their wrong opinions. Then with great sorrow, St. Simplicius had to put them out of the Church. When he corrected people who were doing wrong, he was kind and humble. Simplicius was pope for fifteen years and eleven months. Then the Lord called him to receive the reward of his labors. St. Simplicius died in 483 and was buried in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Reflection: Is there a situation in my life in which I am called to be uplifting and a source of encouragement to others?

Saint information comes from: http://www.holyspiritinteractive.net/dailysaint/march/0310.asp

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