Monday, March 30, 2009

All have sinned...

Today's Readings:
Dn 13:41-62
Ps 23:1-6
Jn 8:1-11

"We have all sinned and are deprived of the glory of God..." These words come from St. Paul who is reminding us that not one of us is immune to sin; but he also goes on to say that it through Christ's victory over the cross that we also triumph. In our Gospel we see the woman caught in adultery, and Jesus tells the crowd let the 1st one without sin cast the 1st stone. We all struggle with sin and therefore must be patient with those around us, just as God is patient with us. This does not mean we overlook ours or others sinfulness, it just means we seek to help rather than condemn. Today let us do just that and continue to build up the Kingdom of God. Have a great day and God Bless.
Lord, just as you are patient and merciful to us, help us to do the same to all we meet this day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint of the Day - St. John Climacus
It is believed that St. John was born in Palestine in the seventh century. He seems to have been a disciple of St. Gregory Nazianzen. He could have become a famous teacher, but he decided to serve God with his whole heart. He joined a monastery on Mount Sinai when he was sixteen. Then he went to live for forty years by himself. He spent all his time praying and reading the lives of the saints. At first, St. John was tempted by the devil. He felt all kinds of bad passions trying to make him give in and sin. But he put all his trust in Jesus and prayed harder than ever. So the temptations never made him fall into sin. In fact, he only grew holier. He became so close to God that many heard of his holiness. They came to ask him for advice. God gave St. John a wonderful gift. He was able to bring peace to people who were upset and tempted. Once a man came to him who was having terrible temptations. He asked St. John to help him and said how hard it was for him to fight these temptations. After they had prayed together, peace filled the poor man's soul. He was never again troubled with those temptations. When the saint was seventy-four years old, he was chosen abbot of Mount Sinai. He became the superior of all the monks and hermits in the country. Another abbot asked St. John to write the rules which he had lived by all his life. This way the monks could follow his example. With great humility, St. John wrote the book called The Ladder of Perfection, or The Climax of Perfection. And that is why he is called "Climacus." St. John died in 649.
Reflection: May Christ's peace take root in our hearts-planted in the unshakeable belief in his love for each one of us, regardless of our struggles or weakness.

Saint information comes from:

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