Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hearers of the Word

Today's Readings:
2 Sm 7:4-17
Ps 89:4-5, 27-30
Mk 4:1-20

Jesus tells us about the different types of people who hear the Word of God and how they react to it. Some follow immediately and fall away soon after, others hear it but are to concerned about the world around them, and then there are those who hear the Word and allow it to take root in their lives. As we go through life I think we can be each of these people but the purpose is to become the one who hears the Word and allows it to take hold of their lives. Today let us spend some time with this Gospel reading (Mk 4:1-20) and really ask the Lord to help us to become a true hearer and follower of God's Word. Have a great day and God Bless.
Prayer: Through your Word Lord you have enlightened our hearts, continue to enflame us with you love and help us to always follow you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint of the Day - St. Angela Merici
Angela was born in the small Italian town of Desenzano, Italy, around 1474. Her parents died when she was ten. She and her only sister, who was three years older, loved each other very much. A wealthy uncle took the girls into his home. Still suffering from the loss of her parents, Angela was struck again when her sister also passed away. The older girl had died even before a priest could arrive to administer the last sacraments. Angela worried about her sister's soul. Jesus revealed to her that the girl had been saved. Angela felt peace return to her own soul. She thanked the Lord in prayer. She wanted to do something to show her gratitude. This desire led her to promise to spend the rest of her life serving Jesus totally. When she was about twenty-two, Angela began to notice that the children of her town knew little about their religion. Angela invited some of her girlfriends to join her in teaching religion classes. Angela's friends were anxious to help her with the children. At that time there were no religious orders of teaching sisters. No one had ever thought of such a thing. St. Angela Merici was the first to gather together a group of women to open schools for children. On November 25, 1535, twenty-eight young women offered their lives to God. It was the beginning of the Ursuline order. Angela placed the congregation under the protection of St. Ursula. This is how they got their name. The women remained in their own homes at first. Because of many difficulties, it was a long time before they could live together in a convent. Angela died on January 27, 1540, when her congregation was still in its beginning stages. Her trust in God had gotten her through many hard tests in her lifetime. There was no doubt in her mind that the Lord would take care of the mission she had begun. And so he did. The Ursuline Sisters have spread to many countries. The order continues its works for Jesus and his Church, especially in the education of children and young adults. Angela was proclaimed a saint by Pope Pius VI in 1807.
Reflection: This saint placed great importance on listening for the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. How do I make room in my life for listening to the Spirit’s inspirations?

Saint information comes from:

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