Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bring it to the Lord

Today's Readings:
Col 1:1-8
Ps 52:10-11
Lk 4:38-44

Many who were sick were brought to Jesus in the Gospel today and he healed them. The Lord could very well heal them without them coming to him, but he desired that they bring their problem to him. Have we brought our sicknesses and troubles to the Lord? The sickness could be physical, emotional, or even spiritual; regardless we must bring them before Christ and ask for his help for he more than generous. Today let us bring our troubles, our faults, our sinfulness, our sickness to God and ask that he heal us. Have a great day and God Bless
Prayer: Lord you alone can heal us, we ask that you fill us with your mercy and love this day so that we may be healed of anything that may keep us from you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint of the Day - Blessed John Du Lau & the September Martyrs
Blessed John was the archbishop of Arles, France. He and his companions are celebrated today because they died heroic martyrs' deaths during the French Revolution. The new constitution of 1790 was against the Church. The people were being forced to sign their agreement with an oath. If they did not, they were punished. By 1792, the punishment was more than a prison term. Now it meant death. Many brave bishops, priests, religious and lay people would not sign the oath supporting the French constitution. They knew they would be betraying God and his Church. Pope Pius VI told them that they were right. It was a sad time for the people of France. On September 2, 1792, a crowd of several hundred people rioted and broke into a former monastery. It was now a prison for priests and religious. The mob approached several priests and told them to sign the oath. Each priest definitely refused. Each was slain on the spot. Among the martyrs was Blessed Alexander Lenfant, a Jesuit. Just a few minutes before he died, he had been hearing the confession of a fellow priest. Both were killed moments later. The rioters then went to the Carmelite church which was also being used as a prison. Blessed John, archbishop of Arles, and other bishops and priests were being held there. All refused to take the oath and all were murdered. On September 3, the same mob went to the Lazarist seminary. It was also a temporary prison, with ninety priests and religious. Only four escaped death. By the time the terrible Revolution had ended, 1,500 Catholics had been killed. Several were bishops, priests and religious. The martyrs we celebrate today number 191. They were proclaimed "blessed" in 1926 by Pope Pius XI.
Reflection: It would be appropriate today to pray for all those who suffer from and perpetrate senseless acts of violence

Saint informtaion comes from:

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