Friday, January 9, 2009

God's Will

Today's Readings:
1 Jn 5:5-13
Ps 147;12-15, 19-20
Lk 5:12-16

A man with leprosy approaches Jesus in our Gospel today asking to be healed, he has absolute faith that God can do it if he wills. Jesus' response is "I do will it..." Christ's response is not just to the leper, but to us all; he desires us all to be cleansed of anything that is not of God, anything not holy. Today let us approach our Lord with this same faith and ask that we too may be healed of our infirmities, anything that keeps us from our Lord and then allow him heal us. Have a great day and God Bless

Saint of the Day - St. Julian & St. Basilissa
St. Julian and St. Basilissa were husband and wife. They lived in the early part of the fourth century. Their love for their faith led them to do something heroic: they turned their home into a hospital. This way, they could take care of the sick and the poor who had no one to help them. St. Julian took care of the men, and St. Basilissa cared for the women. The couple found Jesus in the people they served. And they did what they did because of love, not for money or any kind of reward. We do not have many details about the day-to-day life of this couple. We do know, however, that St. Basilissa died after suffering great persecutions for the faith. Julian lived much longer. He continued his generous service to sick people even after Basilissa had died. Later, Julian, too, died a martyr. Basilissa and Julian spent their whole lives helping others and serving God. They planted the seed of faith by living in a holy way. They watered that faith and made it grow with their blood shed for Jesus crucified.
Reflection: Our relationships with others can help us serve God more fully. Stop for a moment and pray for God’s presence in a relationship that is an important part of your life.

Saint information comes from:

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